During Ph.D
Kasuri, M., Singh, S. & Bhardwaj, B.B. "Optimization of Slurry Impregnation Technique for Upcycling Carbonated Recycled Concrete Aggregates for Paving Concrete Applications", Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering, Volume 35, Issue 5, American Society of Civil Engineers, ASCE, DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)MT.1943-5533.0004712 (Published on February 20, 2023)
Bhardwaj, B.B. & Singh, S. "Evaluation of the failure planes in concrete containing reclaimed asphalt pavement (RAP) aggregates", Cement and Concrete Composites, Volume 145, 105334, DOI: 10.1016/j.cemconcomp.2023.105334 (Published on October 17, 2023)
Bhardwaj, B.B., Singh, S. & Naik, B.P. "Suitability Assessment of Alternative Sands for Concrete Pavement Applications", Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering, American Society of Civil Engineers, ASCE, DOI: 10.1061/JMCEE7/MTENG-17163 (Accepted on October 12, 2023, in press)
Bhardwaj, B. B. & Singh, S. "Assessment of intermolecular interaction of RAP aggregates with varied cement-mortar phases", 77th Réunion Internationale des Laboratoires et Experts des Matériaux (RILEM) Annual Week, Vancouver- Canada, Sep. 4 - 8, 2023
Bhardwaj, B.B. & Singh, S. “Evaluation of bond strength at different interfaces in RAP-incorporated concrete systems”, Poster presentation at the workshop of Technologies for Low Carbon and Lean Construction (TLC2), IIT Madras, 30 Jan-03 Feb 2023 (Poster presentation)
Bhardwaj, B. B. & Singh, S. "Assessment of Mineralogical Effect of Aggregates on the Bonding Potential with Asphalt using Surface Free Energy Approach", 2nd International Conference on Transportation Infrastructure Projects: Conception to Execution (TIPCE), Transportation Engineering Group Department of Civil Engineering, IIT Roorkee, 14 - 17 September 2022 (Presented)
Bhardwaj, B. B. & Singh, S. "Impact Assessment of Different Surface Free Energy Components on Work of Adhesion between varied Aggregate types and VG-40 bitumen", 14th International Conference on Transportation Planning and. Implementation Methodologies for Developing Countries (TPMDC), IIT Bombay, 19-21 December 2022 (Presented)
Bhardwaj, B.B. & Singh, S. “Analyzing key factors influencing interfacial bond strengths in RAP-concrete via SFE and POTS approach", Poster presentation at the national workshop on Recent Advances in Pavement and Traffic Engineering, IIT Madras, 01-02 Dec 2023 (Poster presentation)
Bhardwaj, B. B., Sumukh, S.C.R. & Singh, S. "The Role of Asphalt Film-Thickness around RAP-Aggregates on the Fresh-State Properties of Rigid Pavements", 2nd International Conference on Net-Zero Emission Technologies for Sustainable Development: Challenges & Opportunities (N0ET-2023), IIT (ISM) Dhanbad, 16-17 December 2023 (Paper accepted)
Before Ph.D
Bhardwaj, B.B., Goswami, S., (2019). "Road asset management system in developing countries-implementation and challenges", International Journal of Civil Engineering and Technology, 10 (2), 1227-1232 (IF: 9.782, ISSN-0976-6316/16)
Das, U.K., Bhardwaj, B.B., Choudhury, B., Sapkota, G. (2013). "Effect of gradation of fine aggregate on development of hairline cracks in wall plaster", Indian Journal of Applied Research, 3(5), 70-71 (IF:0.8215, ISSN-2249-555X)
Bhardwaj, B.B., Goswami, S., Dutta, S., Mazumder, S.A., Paul, S., Sharma, H. J., Akhter, S. "Development of an android application to compute priority score for road sections", Weentech Proceedings in Energy 7 (1), pp 206-216, 3rd International Conference on Innovative Development in Engineering Applications (IDEA), Gaya College of Engineering, Gaya, India, 08-10 Feb, 2021 [ISSN: 2059-2353,]
Bhardwaj, B.B., Choudhary, R. and Julaganti, A. "Effect of production temperature on permanent deformation characteristics of WMA mixes", Proceedings of 2nd International Conference on Civil Engineering for Sustainable Development - Opportunities and Challenges (CESDOC), Assam Engineering College, Guwahati, India, 18-19 Dec, 2018, pp 57-61
Bhardwaj, B.B., Sapkota, G. Assessment of hill cut slopes using C-Programming, Proceedings of 2nd International Conference on Civil Engineering for Sustainable Development - Opportunities and Challenges (CESDOC), Assam Engineering College, Guwahati, India, 18-19 Dec, 2018, pp 122-127
Bhardwaj, B.B., Devi, H. C., Boruah, B. B., Borah, R., Hazarika, B. J., Agarwalla, S., Terang, B. Design of signalized traffic intersections on Guwahati bypass road, Proceedings of 2nd International Conference on Civil Engineering for Sustainable Development - Opportunities and Challenges (CESDOC), Assam Engineering College, Guwahati, India, 18-19 Dec, 2018, pp 281-285